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The Middle East refe?

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Paineel Era (added February 2000) Players will often buy deathfist slashed belts for 2-5pp each. This list focuses more on gear other than any other normal quest. The tunnel lies in the eastern mountains. 10-20 East Commonlands is the local teens zone for Freeport and Neriak, equivalent to North Ro. weekend and night jobs near me If you see something that is inaccurate or can be improved, don't ask that it be fixed--just improve it. Easily missed by those in a hurry, Grub n Grog Tavern is tucked in a crevis near the south gate in East Freeport, adjacent to the Inn. From Project 1999 Wiki. Dec 27, 1999 · On the east coast of Antonica, this port city lies at the intersection of the Commonlands and the great Desert of Ro West Freeport West Freeport Tunnels. 3 minute comedic monologues Leaving Freeport, heading east, you will stop at Zachariah Reigh Isle (#2 on the map,) and again at the Island of the Sisters of Erollisi (#10 on the map,) before continuing on to Butcherblock. 11 Seafarer's Roost with Merchants selling Odd and Unusual Beers, Throwing Weapons and Lockpicks, Brew Barrel inside, Entrance to Stairs B in East Freeport Tunnels 12 Inn - secret entrance to the underground tunnels with Necromancer, Shadow Knight, and Rogue guilds, as well as Guildmaster for the other classes for evil races guarded by Trap Wire East Freeport. Best done with sneak or wolf form. Do not zone out to east commons, as the "orc pawns" out there drop a different type of scalp. Second highest starting int. Also use the p99 wiki for general questions to get you started. pelican spas nj Project 1999 Unofficial Zone Connection Map (originally created by Yurz Truly of Project 1999 server and later expanded by Matthew Gordon Roulston aa Within Amnesia) West Freeport: Dulia Jestes: Located in grassy area underneath mage academy (19, -817) West Freeport: Lysa Truegreen (117, -719) Neriak Commons: Veca S`Karn: Downstairs in caster guild, 2nd door on left. ….

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